Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The American Dream

You know speaking of the American Dream, I've reminded of Ashton Kutcher's speech from the teen choice awards...he spoke of opportunity, and how it looks a lot like hard work. Work, there are people out there that think this is above them. Hard work is something to be proud of....something to look back on in your life and think, you know what world? I did something good! I contributed! I earned an HONEST wage! I made a difference to someone! Even just ONE person! I was able to provide for myself and my family! THAT is something to be proud of! I'm not a leech on one person or society! #2! Being sexy! What is sexy??? Its not how many damn selfies you can post on facebook and say LOOK AT ME! It's being SMART. Its being THOUGHTFUL. Putting someone else before YOU! Its being generous! You don't have to give with money, but just make a difference in even one person's life. #3! BUILD YOUR LIFE! Do NOT rely on someone else to build it for you! Know that you built it yourself, not because you accepted handouts. MAKE your own way. Do not let someone else dictate how YOU are going to live YOUR life.

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